

At St Francis’ Catholic Primary School we provide a safe nurturing environment in which each child is recognised as unique, special and loved by God. We create a community in which Christ’s love permeates all that occurs in school and where the gospel values of praying, sharing, forgiving and truthfulness are a living reality.

St Francis’ provides an orderly, stimulating environment in which effort, talent and personal success are rewarded, special needs are met and cultural diversity is celebrated. We strive for excellence in every aspect of the education process. As a result, we prepare all our children to be confident, feel valued and respected members of our school community and society as a whole.

We value the partnership between home, school and parish. We recognise that everyone has an important part to play in children’s development and that all contributions no matter how big or small are valued. We therefore seek to work in close partnership with parents and other professionals at all times.

At St Francis’ we live our mission statement every day as Peacemakers in the classroom, on the playground and in the community; we show Love towards each other as we see Christ in all we meet; and we provide vibrant classrooms where the Knowledge is a tool that is used to empower all. 

Thank you very much for your interest in our work and we very much hope you enjoy exploring our website.

God Bless.

Natasha Scott
Head Teacher


Diary Dates News and Events

June 2024

Tuesday, 4th June 2024 (PM) – Banji Alexander author visit and book signing
Thursday, 6th June 2024 (9:05 am) – Nursery assembly
Week beginning 10th June 2024 – Year 1 phonics screening
Week beginning 10th June 2024 – Year 4 Multiplication check

Monday, 10th June to Wednesday 14th June – Year 6 residential

Week beginning 17th June 2024 – Well-being Week
Wednesday, 19th June 2024 (9:30 am) – Sports Day for Nursery and Reception
Thursday, 20th June 2024 (9:30 am) – Sports Day for Years 1 and 2
Friday, 21st June 2024 (9:30 am) – Sports Day for Years 3-6 at West Ham Park
Wednesday, 26 th June 2024 – Vox Urbane Choir Concert
Friday, 28 th June 2024 – Year 6 at OLoG Trust Transition Day in Chigwell

July 2024

Week beginning 1st July 2024 – International Week
Thursday, 4th July 2024 (9:30 am) – International Day Mass at St Francis’ Church
Friday, 5th July 2024 (2:15) – International Day for Nursery and Reception
Friday, 5th July 2024 (6:00 pm) – International Evening for Years 1-6
Tuesday, 9th July 2024 – End of Year Visits
Tuesday, 9th July 2024 (1:30 pm) – Year 6 Disco
Thursday, 11th July 2024 (2:45) – Rock Steady Concert
Friday, 12th July 2024 (6:00 pm) – Year 6 Leavers’ Production
Wednesday, 17th July 2024 (6:00 pm) – Year 6 Award’s Ceremony
Thursday, 18th July 2024 (9:30 am) – End of Term Mass
Thursday, 18th July 2024 (2:00 pm)– End of Term
Thursday, 19th July 2024 – Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 – Summer holidays


Green Fingered 2-year-olds

Our very talented two-year-olds in the day nursery have been planting in the garden. They are growing carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and runner beans. They will eat these vegetables as snacks once they are ready. We can’t wait!

World Book Day 2024

This year we celebrated our love of reading in a new way: we celebrated poetry! Children wrote and performed their own poems which they shared with their class and the adults played the masked reader to see if children could guess who the person reading the poem behind the mask was. The children were pretty …

Please click on the link to see what else has been happening in school.


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