Governing Body

Our Governing Body is made up of four different categories of governors, and there are 12 members in total.

Foundation Governors (7) – represent the interest of the Catholic Church and the Trustees of the School, the Diocese of Brentwood. These members are appointed by the Diocese of Brentwood and outnumber all the other categories of governor.

Parent Governors (2) – are parents with children currently on roll at our school. Parent governors are elected by the parents.

Staff Governors (1) – is a member of the teaching staff or the support staff. Staff governors are elected by the school staff.

Head Teacher Governor (1) – is the current Head Teacher of the school . He/She is appointed by virtue of office.

The role of the members of the governing body is to have a strategic role in running the school and to act as “critical friend” to the headteacher by providing advice and support. They should have a major role in planning what the school does. With the main intention of keeping school improvement at the forefront of everything that the school does, they have the right – and the responsibility – to ask searching questions about the way the service the school is providing.

Governors are elected for a term of four years.

Our current Governors are:

Foundation Governors

Ms O. Alabede – 31.10.2027
Ms L. Elias – 14.04.2025
Ms A. Nkemnacho – 07.04.2028
Mrs M. Thorn (Chair) – 29.07.2027
Ms C. Willson (Vice Chair) – 04.09.2027

Staff Governors

Mr J. Kiernan – 17.11.2025

Parent Governors

Ms P. Rangwanasha – 21.11.2027
Mr E. Falusi – 19.02.2028


Ms O. Alabede – 31.10.2027
Mr E. Falusi – 19.02.2028

Ms P. Rangwanasha – 21.11.2027
Mrs M. Thorn
Ms N. Scott – Head Teacher

Finance/Premises Committee

Ms L. Elias
Mr J. Kiernan
Ms A. Nkemnacho
Mrs M. Thorn
Ms C. Willson – Chair
Ms N. Scott – Head Teacher

Declaration of Interests

Governor Attendance

The Chair of Governors can be contacted at